You must renew your House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence before it expires. 

We aim to send a renewal reminder two months before expiry. You should contact us if you do not receive a reminder but you can still make a renewal application using the current HMO licence reference number. Sending reminders is not a legal requirement and it's your legal obligation to make a renewal application.

A valid renewal application requires you to:

  • complete the renewal form
  • pay the fee
  • sign and return the declaration

All HMO licence holders and managers must be 'fit and proper persons'.

You must send us new copies of safety certificates throughout the year, as each certificate expires.

Confirmation checklist and declaration

If you are applying for a two or five-year licence we need a signed confirmation checklist to declare that you understand and meet the criteria.

This must be submitted two weeks before the expiry of the current licence, along with any supporting documentation necessary.

We will issue your licence automatically based on the information available and documents provided at this time.

Renew and pay for an HMO licence

Renew an HMO Licence

Pay for an HMO licence renewal

How long does it take to issue an HMO licence renewal

We aim to issue a renewal application within six weeks of the date of expiry of the previous licence.

Issuing a licence within this time frame is dependant on the landlord supplying the required information and payment within timescales and that no representations are made.

Where information or payments are late, or representations made, then the processing time will be longer.

Tacit consent does not apply given that we have to check the HMO meets the prescribed standards. Last year (2021/22), 94.4% of licences were issued within 6 weeks of expiry of the previous licence.

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