Our aims - Thriving Communities Strategy

Our aims are to:

  1. target our resources where they will have the greatest impact
  2. move towards an enabling approach using our Thriving Communities Principles
  3. embed lessons that we have learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. adapt and integrate our services so they can react to changing community needs, working more closely with partners and connecting with the integrated care system
  5. ensure that our people (employees) have the skills to support communities
  6. foster a sense of belonging
  7. provide many different opportunities to be active
  8. develop a sustainable, inclusive and accessible leisure and community offer
  9. enable a vibrant, innovative and sustainable cultural sector and economy
  10. use a variety of methods to demonstrate how we improve life chances and strengthen communities

The next section of the strategy shows how we will achieve these aims. While the strategy is high-level and designed to show our approach and the key activities, we also have a detailed internal action plan where we track progress. A progress update will be taken to the Council’s cabinet each year to ensure there is good governance and transparency around our commitments.

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