
Question 1. Who can use the DPS?

The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is available for use by all UK Public Sector Bodies, including but not limited to: local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education and devolved administrations - more information on the GOV.UK website.

Question 2. Can a direct award be made under the DPS?

No, direct award cannot be made under the DPS as per the Public Contract Regulations 2015.

Question 3. How do I register as a buyer?

Please complete an Access Agreement. Once signed by the OCC procurement team, you will be able to access all that the DPS has to offer.

Question 4. Does Oxford City Council charge the buyer a commission for using the EV DPS?

No, commission is not charged to the buyer. A supplier rebate is applied.

Question 5. How do we encourage suppliers to join the EV DPS?

Suppliers can register to join the EV DPS on the In-Tend portal website.

Question 6. Are the number of suppliers which can join the EV DPS restricted?

No, under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 supplier numbers cannot be restricted under a DPS.

Question 7. Can buyers determine their own specification, evaluation and contract terms?

Yes, buyers can formulate their own specification and how they wish to evaluate responses. Whilst the DPS Umbrella Contract contains the main terms, you may wish to agree additional contract terms to fully meet your organisation’s requirements.

Question 8. Do I need to publish my contract award?

Yes - responsibility for publication of contract award remains with the buyer.

Question 9. Will the EV DPS support Small and medium-sized enterprises and social value?

Absolutely. The nature of a DPS with its electronic, standardised approach to selection and always open status, supports Small and medium-sized enterprises participation. Social value can be included in the Further Competition.


Question 10. I have never run a tender before, is it a difficult process using the DPS?

No, we have templates to guide you through the process. The key information you need to determine at the outset is what exactly are you aiming to procure and which Lot(s) best fit with your requirement.

Question 11. Are there template documents for me to use?

The DPS tender pack includes templates that can be used to run a Further Competition process through to Award. See appendices.


Question 12. Will there be lengthy legal processes I need to undertake?

No, the DPS has carried out a comprehensive and independent legal review of all the clauses in the Umbrella Contract with a specialist Electric Vehicle and Infrastructure firm specialising in procurement contracts. You may want your own internal legal team to review the Umbrella Contract and Call-off Document.

Question 13. How long does it take to run a Further Competition?

Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, the minimum time to run a Further Competition is 10 days, with no maximum defined.

Question 14. How long will the EV DPS operate for?

The EV DPS has initially been let for a four year period, running to 31 August 2025. The DPS will be reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose and can be extended, shortened or terminated in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015. This provides useful flexibility should the authority’s circumstances change, or developments in technology and markets mean the DPS as originally set-up is no longer fit for purpose.

Question 15. Can individual contracts “overhang” the duration of the DPS itself?

Contracts can last for as long as is reasonable in the context of the market, without distorting competition and can go beyond the term of the DPS itself.

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