How we work - a customer-first approach - Our Strategy

We work innovatively and efficiently - we are a flexible and customer-focused team offering high quality services that meet people’s needs.

We work to tackle inequality - our employment practices and the way in which we deliver our services aim to provide equality of opportunity and access for all. Our investments and policy-making are all designed to address the social and financial inequalities across Oxford. We value diversity and seek to build a greater sense of togetherness across the city’s communities. We want to ensure all of Oxford’s citizens, including those who are harder to reach, have fair opportunities and a real share in the city’s future.

We work in partnership with others - we work with other councils, businesses, communities, the voluntary sector, Oxford’s universities, the Government and other public sector bodies to ensure the way we shape our services and direct our investments is joined-up with others.

We use our commercial assets for the benefit of local people - our wholly-owned companies and the commercial properties we own create jobs, support the local economy and provide additional funds that support our delivery of public services. We call this the Oxford Model.

We are a campaigning organisation - we work actively to engage with residents, businesses, stakeholders and Government and use our influence to help achieve the aims set out in this Strategy.

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