Shopping discounts and offers

From big-name brands to local independents, we've got student discounts and offers to suit everyone. Search through the savings, find what you're looking for and enjoy Oxford for less.
- & Other Stories
- Accessorize
- Ace & Tate
- Anthropologie
- Barclays Bank
- Blackwells Art and Poster Shop
- Blue Blood Sports
- Bobbi Brown
- Boots
- Boux Avenue
- British Heart Foundation
- Broad Canvas
- Calvin Klein
- Dr Martens
- Dukes Barbers
- ECCO Shoes
- Elisa Cristina-Wellness Studio
- Fat Face
- Fit Cookie
- Gloucester Green Market
- Halifax
- Holland & Barrett
- Jack & Jones
- JD Sports
- Jemini Flowers
- Leonard Jay
- Levi's
- Lloyds Bank
- Mahogany
- Market Barber
- Matthew Clulee
- Moss Bros
- Mountain Warehouse
- Nationwide Building Society
- NatWest
- Office
- Oliver Bonas
- Ox UnBoxed
- Oxford Bus Company Travel Shop
- Post Office
- Robert Dyas Ironmongers
- Ryman
- Santander
- Specsavers
- Superdry
- Tao Beauty Salon
- The Body Shop
- The Woolhound
- Urban Outfitters
- Vision Express
- Vodafone
- W.H. Smith
- Waterstone's
- Western Computer
- Whittard
- Wicked Chocolate
If you are a business that offers a student discount but isn't featured, please get in touch.
List accurate as of Summer 2024.