An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is used to assess significant effects of a project or development proposal and the effects it may have on the environment. An EIA ensures that we think about the likely effects on the environment when assessing an application.

It should accompany planning applications for developments that are likely to have a significant effect on the environment by virtue of their nature, size or location.

Stages of an EIA


Determining whether a proposed project falls within the remit of the Regulations, whether it is likely to have a significant effect on the environment and therefore requires an assessment. See more Screening information on GOV.UK.


Determining the extent of issues to be considered in the assessment and reported in the Environmental Statement. The applicant can ask the local planning authority for its opinion on what information needs to be included (which is called a ‘scoping opinion’). See the Preparing an Environmental Statement information on GOV.UK.

Preparing an Environmental Statement

Where it is decided that an assessment is required, the applicant must prepare and submit an Environmental Statement. The Environmental Statement must include at least the information reasonably required to assess the likely significant environmental effects of the development listed in the regulations.

Making a planning application and consultation

The Environmental Statement (and the application for development to which it relates) must be publicised electronically and by public notice. The statutory ‘consultation bodies’ and the public must be given an opportunity to give their views about the proposed development and the Environmental Statement.

Decision Making

The Environmental Statement, together with any other information which is relevant to the decision, and any comments and representations made on it, must be considered by the local planning authority and/or the Secretary of State in deciding whether or not to grant consent for the development. The public must be informed of the decision and the main reasons for it both electronically and by public notice

More information is available about Environmental Impact Assessments on GOV.UK.

How to search for an EIA received by Oxford City Council

EIAs are identified by the suffix of either SCREEN or SCOPE in the application reference. To view historical and new EIAs, visit our Public Access system.

In the Search box, type in either %SCOPE% or %SCREEN%, and then select 'Search'.

Example of how to search for an EIA

Public access screenshot to demonstrate EIA search

Be aware that when searching by either SCOPE or SCREEN, it is likely there will be other applications that have these words in the description that are not EIAs.

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