By becoming a friend of your local park or open space, you can:

  • enhance the park's appearance
  • influence its facilities
  • boost biodiversity
  • improve safety
  • meet new people
  • stay active and boost your health and wellbeing
  • contribute positively to your local area
  • organise community events

The groups are independent, but work in partnership with Oxford City Council.

How to Get Involved

To express your interest in becoming a Friend of an Oxford park, fill out our enquiry form:

Friends of Parks enquiry form

If your local park or open space isn't listed, we encourage you to contact us about starting a new group.

Friends of parks groups in Oxford

Burgess Field

Regular work parties focus on improving this precious green space for wildlife and floral diversity, once the city’s rubbish dump alongside Port Meadow. Volunteers always most welcome. More information and contact details on the Friends of Burgess Field website.

Bury Knowle Park

Currently, the group is enhancing the Sensory Garden, collaborating with our resident gardeners to plant new wildflower areas. Learn more on the Friends of Bury Knowle Park website.

Cutteslowe and Sunnymead

The Friends group is dedicated to the upkeep of the Community Woodland, involving working groups and local school children in tree planting and area improvement. More information is available on the Friends of Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park website.

Florence Park

The Friends of Florence Park have recently regrouped. Updates and meeting dates can be found on the Friends of Florence Park website. They are currently brainstorming ideas for celebrating the estate's 80th anniversary.

Headington Hill Park

The Friends of Headington Hill Park focus on the park’s trees, organising maintenance working parties.

Hinksey Park

Although there isn't a formal Friends group for Hinksey Park, you can join the active Friends of Hinksey Park Facebook group.

Kendall Copse

Local residents have been instrumental in creating a community woodland here. Visit the Friends of Kendall Copse website for details.

Kidneys (Aston's Eyot)

This group focuses on maintaining and planting a bee-friendly meadow across these two locations.

Leys Parks

Spanning multiple parks in the Leys area, we're collaborating with local users and partners to enhance these popular green spaces.

Lye Valley

Regular working parties, fen improvements, and educational talks are part of this group’s activities. Visit the Friends of Lye Valley website for more info.

Magdalen Wood West

Based in Wood Farm, this group is active in community event organisation and working groups. Interested parties can contact us on 01865 252240.

Meadow Lane Nature Reserve

Located off Donnington Road and adjacent to the River Thames, this group is enhancing a scenic route through the reserve. Get in touch to participate.

Milham Ford Nature Park

The New Marston Wildlife Group is dedicated to maintaining and improving this wildlife area. Visit the Milham Ford Nature Park website for further details.

Raleigh Park

Efforts to improve the pond and natural waterfall have earned the park a Local Wildlife Site accreditation. More information is available on the Friends of Raleigh Park website.

South Park

Working to enhance community engagement and the park’s historical features, more details can be found on the Friends of South Park website.

St Mary and St John Churchyard

A collective effort has led to the restoration of this churchyard, thanks to community volunteering and expertise.

St Sepulchre's Cemetery

Regular working parties focus on maintaining and enhancing this peaceful area in Jericho. Visit the St Sepulchre's Cemetery website for more info.

Trap Grounds

The Friends of Trap Grounds are committed to conserving this unique area of reed-bed, scrubland, grassland, and woodland in north Oxford. More details are on the Friends of the Trap Grounds website.

Resources for Friends Groups

Whether you're part of a new or existing group, we provide resources to support your efforts.

Download resources for Friends of Parks groups.

Contact us for support

Interested in forming a Friends group for your green space? We're here to help. For any questions or assistance, please get in touch.

Contact the Parks Service

Address: Cutteslowe Park Offices
Harboard Road

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