Buildings, structures and places can be nominated using the form below and returning it to us by email:
Download the Oxford Heritage Asset Register Nomination Form.
Remember, we want to know about features of the historic environment that are not already identified by heritage designations. If your heritage asset is already a listed building, scheduled monument, registered park and garden or in a conservation area we will record the information you provide for the future, but will not put it forward for inclusion on the Oxford Heritage Asset Register.
How they will be assessed
Nominated assets will be presented to the public (including the owners of the assets) inviting views on its heritage value and suitability for inclusion on the Register. Any responses received will be placed, together with the nomination form, before the appropriate Area Planning Committee.
Nominations will be assessed against four criteria:
- they must be capable of meeting the government's definition of a heritage asset, i.e. building, monument, site, place, area or landscape
- they must possess heritage interest that can be conserved and enjoyed
- they must have a value as heritage for the character and identity of the city, neighbourhood or community because of their heritage interest beyond personal or family connections, or the interest of individual property owners
- they must have a level of significance that is greater than the general positive identified character of the local area
Nominations awaiting assessment
A number of sites, buildings and places that have been put forward for inclusion on the Oxford Heritage Asset Register are awaiting assessment against the adopted criteria. This list is provided for information only and does not represent a recommendation for or against their inclusion on the Register.
Contact Design, Heritage & Specialist Services
Address: Town HallSt Aldate's