Oxford City Council has introduced an online application system for its general housing register.
Until now, people making a general housing register application have needed to download an editable PDF and send supporting evidence by email.
The new application system is quicker, simpler and more accessible, with relevant and up-to-date guidance.
From now on, people will be able to access an application on a smartphone or other device and can submit additional evidence in a range of formats.
The online form means people need to submit the evidence needed to assess their application when they apply. This will speed up processing times and reduce the need for further communication during the assessment process.
The new system also includes an eligibility checker which will help people make an informed choice about whether to apply for social housing.
There are more than 3,300 households already on the housing register and the council receives around 1,300 new applications a year. Most are unlikely to have enough priority to be considered for a council or housing association home.
People wanting to make a new application to the general housing register can check if they are eligible and apply on the Council’s website
Help is available for people having trouble making an online general housing register application. They should call the Council on 01865 249811 or contact an advice centre.
The old PDF application form is no longer available for download. The Council will continue to process any outstanding applications made using this system.
Anyone who has downloaded but not submitted a PDF application should now use the online system instead.
Council tenants and tenants of partner housing associations who want a transfer should continue to apply using paper and PDF forms. The Council will introduce an online transfer application system in the next few months.