Helplines and reporting

  • Modern Slavery Helpline provides information and support 24/7 - report modern slavery by ringing 0800 0121 700
  • Modern Slavery at Crimestoppers offers lots of information about how to spot the signs - telephone anonymously on 0800 555 111
  • If you see something, call the police on 101 no matter how small or insignificant you think it is - information from the community can play a vital role in tackling modern slavery

Victims First Specialist Service

For those identified as potential victims of Modern Slavery and Exploitation, support is available through the National Referral Mechanism for a minimum of 45 days including safe accommodation, outreach support, counselling, legal advice and more. For adults however, this is a consent based system and it is recognised that individuals may not always consent to this process.

The Victims First Specialist Service will provide crisis intervention and ongoing long term support and work directly with adult victims, their families and anyone else who may also be involved in the care and support of them including community groups and other services. A person-centred support focuses on the areas that are important to the clients. They encourage activities that will promote improvement in physical and mental health & wellbeing, developing daily living skills and coping strategies to enable each individual to live independently in their communities. This ranges from help with housing, benefits, immigration status, education & employment, assistance through court processes, advocating at meetings, to hospital visits and arranging food or clothes parcels, to offer a listening ear. 

How to make a referral

For further information about making a referral, please telephone 01844 487987.

Modern Slavery is closer than you think 

These films on YouTube include information on how to spot potential victims, how they may be exploited and what you can do to help free the UK of Modern Slavery and Exploitation

The video below uses experiences by Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) with real human traffickers to illustrate the methods they use and the lengths they will go to exploit workers for profit.

Useful apps


Recognise and report modern slavery or seek help through the Unseen App.The Unseen App provides a guide to understanding how women, men and children can be exploited and spotting the signs of modern slavery.  It also makes reporting concerns or suspicious to Unseen’s Modern Slavery Helpline easy -  you can either fill in a report or call direct 0800 0121 700 at the click of a button.

Safe Care Wash

Help end modern slavery in hand car washes with the Safe Car Wash App. Modern Slavery is happening in car washes across the country.  But only with anecdotal evidence, and partial understanding of the scale of the problem, law enforcement need the public’s help to map this issue.  The Safe Care Wash App has been creased to mobile communities and help gather information about hand car washes in the UK. 

The app will take you through the most obvious indicators of modern slavery, asking you questions to determine whether those signs are present or not.  If there is a high likelihood of modern slavery in the car wash, you wish be prompted to call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700.

Just Good work

The Just Good work app is for workers to see what employment conditions should be in the UK, how to raise issues, recruitment information (i.e. what documents are required) and assistance in planning their journeys to work. The information is available in several languages.

The aim is that the app will support workers who could be vulnerable to exploitation and ensuring that they have access to information about their rights as a worker in the UK e.g. factories, construction, car washes etc.

Useful links for more information

Local and Regional


Related content at Oxford City Council

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