Attending meetings

Cabinet meetings are held in public and you are welcome to attend.

Meeting dates and start times are on the calendar and a notice of each meeting is posted at the front of the Town Hall on St. Aldate's, Oxford.  The majority of meetings are held in the Town Hall.

On occasions the meeting will agree to consider an item in private and if this is the case you will be asked to leave.  This happens within limited circumstances for reasons that you will see detailed on the agenda and listed in our constitution.

Asking questions, making comments or speaking

When the Chair agrees, up to 15 minutes is allocated for all public questions. Questions can be asked about any item for decision at the meeting.

They must be sent in writing to the Head of Law and Governance in advance of the meeting. 

Members of the public can submit questions in writing about any item for decision at the meeting. Questions, stating the relevant agenda item, must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am two working days before the meeting.

You should email or telephone the person named as staff contact. No supplementary questions or questioning is permitted.

Meeting agenda

All agenda are available on our website.

The agenda list all the business the Cabinet will consider. They are published five clear working days before the meeting.

In exceptional circumstances a particularly urgent item may be added after the agenda is published. If this happens, it will be published on the website as soon as possible.

You can register for alerts for agendas.

Upcoming agenda items

The Forward Plan gives information about all the decisions that the Cabinet is expected to take over the next year. 

Recording meetings

You are able to record meetings using your own equipment. To allow you to do this without disrupting the meeting we have set a filming and recording protocol which we would ask you to read.

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