Attending meetings

Meetings are held in public and you are welcome to attend and observe.

Find out when and where meetings are taking place:

Occasionally, some matters are discussed in private, and attendees may be asked to leave. This is rare and will be clearly indicated in the meeting's agenda.

Participating in meetings

If the Chair agrees, you are able to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the public part of the agenda.

If you wish to do this, you must register to speak by 4pm on the day of the meeting.

You can register by:

Please provide your name and the agenda item you wish to discuss.

The Committee Services Officer can circulate relevant written material to councillors and officers if it is sent to at least two working days before the meeting.

Accessing meeting agendas

Stay informed about what will be discussed:

Stay updated on upcoming agenda items

Get alerts for committee meetings by registering here.

Recording meetings

You can record meetings using your own equipment. We have a filming and recording protocol, which we ask you to follow to minimise disruption to the meeting.

If you want to record audio or video, please talk to the clerk before the meeting starts.

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