Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. This includes all species of plants and animals and the ecosystems that support them.

Biodiversity is central to the natural processes that we all benefit from, such as food and fuel production, maintenance of air, soil and water quality and the regulation of climate and flooding.

Biodiversity and good quality natural environments also contribute to good mental health, cohesive communities and strong local economies and it is essential in our response to climate change.

Overview of Oxford's biodiversity

  • 1 European site for nature conservation (177 hectares)
  • 12 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (278 hectares)
  • 3 Local Nature Reserves (7 hectares)
  • 14 county Local Wildlife Sites (125 hectares)
  • 50 Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (202 hectares)

Biodiversity Review for our parks and nature areas - 2020

In 2020, we completed a Biodiversity Review setting out all the great work already done to support biodiversity in our green spaces in recent years, and identifying a wide range of further habitat improvement projects and environmental initiatives for the next five years. This is a live document, and will be updated as funding opportunities and projects develop.

Download the Biodiversity review for our parks and nature areas.

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