To increase your chances of securing procurement contracts with us, we suggest you follow these top tips:

  1. thoroughly read and understand what's expected of you in the documentation
  2. provide all requested information. If you're unable to provide some details, seek advice. Your proposal should be self-contained and not rely on previous interactions with the Council
  3. avoid including promotional materials in your submission unless specifically asked for
  4. if tender documentation seems daunting, don't hesitate to ask for assistance
  5. ensure you complete and return documents by the specified deadline and sign where necessary
  6. where applicable, link your tender responses directly to the questions in the invitation to tender for easier evaluation
  7. be clear about your pricing model and state any assumptions made in your pricing
  8. if your tender is unsuccessful, request a debrief for valuable feedback to improve future applications
  9. understand your customer by exploring their website and procurement strategy to grasp their priorities and requirements
  10. register on online tender portals to access opportunities with many councils

Contact the Contracts and Procurement Team

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252497

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