
Comments are reviewed regularly and they can be used to improve our services. Usually, a response to a comment will not be necessary.


The feedback you send us is used by the service but also across the Council so that we can and corporately adopt best practice and celebrate an individual employee or departments' success. In most cases, a response to a compliment is not necessary.


If you are dissatisfied with the service we provide, the best way to resolve this is to contact the service involved and explain your concerns. We will seek to explain and, if required, address any issues.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your initial complaint, the Head of Service will investigate and reply to you.

See our Comments, compliments and complaints procedure page to read the full procedure.


We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days. Our aim is to provide you with a full response to your initial query within a further 10 working days. 

If we cannot reply to you within these timescales, we will let you know and give you an alternative timescale. 

Unless you have requested us to respond in a specific manner, our response will be by email, telephone or letter, or in some cases, face-to-face.

Local Government Ombudsman

If you have exhausted all the stages of our complaints procedure and you feel that your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can refer your complaint to the relevant ombudsman service.

They will carry out an independent investigation into your complaint.

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