All grants will be scored in the same way, based on the Council’s priorities. Every eligible application will be scored against the following measures. The scope and level of detail expected will be determined by the size of the grant sought.

Equalities, diversity and inclusion – 15% (compulsory)

We expect every grant applicant to consider how they can use the Oxford Community Impact Fund to help to reduce inequalities in the city. More information can be found about this on our statistics pages but you will also have useful knowledge of the needs of your beneficiaries too. Please give more information about what difference you want to make, who for and, briefly, how you plan to do this. Given the levels of funding available, we would prefer that you focus on a particular equalities challenge and do this meaningfully rather than attempt to address a wide range superficially.  Applications directly from or involving people experiencing inequalities will score more highly.

Environmental sustainability and zero carbon Oxford – 15% (compulsory)

In January 2019, Oxford declared a climate emergency, and in autumn 2019 became the first UK city to hold a Citizens Assembly on Climate Change. We expect all applicants to show how they will mitigate the environmental effects of any activity we fund. Higher scores will be awarded for activity which reduces carbon emissions and increases biodiversity in the city.

Partnership working and cross-sector support – 10%

We encourage applications which involve more than one organisation. This can help reach more people, encourage a wider range of thinking and enable resources and learning to be shared. Those working across and between different sectors will score more highly. We will expect organisations applying for larger levels of funding with bigger budgets to support grassroots organisations e.g. by offering venue space and equipment, helping with marketing and fundraising, providing mentoring opportunities for people to gain more skills and experience etc.

Health and wellbeing – 10%

Given the global pandemic context, we are keen to support applications which will benefit the physical and/or mental wellbeing of residents.

Attracting other funding (leverage) – 10%

We are looking to support applicants who will bring in additional funding to the city and use our grant to generate/earn additional income. Applications that lever in higher levels of funding will be scored more highly.

Innovation – 10%

We have all had to change our ways of working during the pandemic and we are keen for those we fund to continue to test new ideas and share the results. This could include, for example, piloting different technologies, processes, service delivery or any other aspect that could result in better quality, social benefit, value-for-money or community reach.

Inclusive economy – 10%

We encourage applications which will increase opportunities for disadvantaged groups to have a fair share in the city’s economy. This could be by offering apprenticeships/internships and work experience; sharing space, skills or equipment; contracting locally and supporting independent businesses; and by remunerating staff fairly. Applicants paying the Oxford Living Wage will score more highly.

Balance – 20% (awarded at discretion of Grants Panel)

The final 20% of the score is at the Grants Panel’s discretion to ensure that the Oxford Community Impact Fund delivers a balanced programme of support for people with a range of different needs across the city.

A uniform approach to scoring across the board

Each scoring question will be marked out of 10 (before applying the relevant weighting) on the basis that your answer matches criteria in the following way:

  • 0 – Will not deliver/meet the criteria at all
  • 2 – Unclear if the criteria will be delivered/met or not
  • 4 – Will deliver/meet the criteria partially
  • 6 – Will deliver/meet the criteria fully
  • 8 – Exceeds the criteria
  • 10 – Will deliver/meet the criteria in an exceptional way

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