Telephone and face-to-face interpreting

We use Word360 for all of our language service support needs.

Word360 have a comprehensive range of language services including telephone interpreting, face-to-face interpreting (including British Sign Language interpreters), video calls and document translation services.

Visit the Word360 website for more information.

To access these services, simply phone us on our main switchboard number (01865 249811) or come into our Customer Service Centre and we will arrange the service you need.

Translate our website

You could use Google Translate if you need to translate our website into other languages.

  1. In your browser, go to Google Translate
  2. Choose the languages to translate to and from - to automatically set the original language of a website, select 'Detect language'
  3. In the text box, enter a URL
  4. Select the URL that appears - this opens a new tab with the translated website

You can then browser the website in your chosen language.

For more information on using Google Translate, visit Google Translate Help pages.

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