Tackling the climate emergency can seem like a big task, but there are ways that anyone can get involved.

From small changes such as washing your clothes on a cold cycle, creating a wildflower area or using rechargeable batteries, to recycling more, eating less meat,, to larger changes such as getting solar panels or an electric vehicle - there are many ways you can reduce your own carbon footprint.  

Climate Action Oxfordshire

Climate Action Oxfordshire is a practical 'one stop shop' website, listing the measures that you can take to reduce your carbon footprint, and rates them according to effort, impact, and cost. It also gives people an idea of what financial savings they can make and includes tips and links on how to get started.

The one stop shop has sections aimed at individuals, communities, and organisations, including businesses, and advice on transport, lifestyle, shopping, home and biodiversity matters.

It is a joint venture set up by Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Cherwell, South Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire, and the Vale of White Horse district councils, and OxLEP – the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Visit the Climate Action Oxfordshire website.

Retrofitting guide for Oxford residents

With residential buildings responsible for 29% of Oxford's carbon emissions, retrofitting your home is one way you can reduce your carbon footprint. We have created a guide to retrofitting your home including information on what is retrofitting, grants, and more. 

Visit our retrofitting guide.


With 19% of all of Oxford’s land being contained in private gardens, these areas are vitally important space for tree planting. 

We can created an 11 week mini-series, aiming to act as an introduction to tree planting in Oxford. The newsletter covers key information and tips on tree planting including: when to plant your tree, what species to plant, how to plant, tree maintenance, and more.

Sign up to Treemails

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