Emergency response protocols

In emergency situations like firearms incidents, terrorism, and disasters, emergency services, local authorities, and other public bodies follow detailed protocols. This ensures a coordinated response without confusion or overlapping responsibilities.

Typically, Thames Valley Police or Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service lead the response phase on the ground, depending on the incident's nature. They are supported by the Duty Emergency Planning Officer (EPO) from Oxfordshire County Council, who sets up an appropriate command and control structure.

Role of the City Council

We mainly engage in the recovery phase, after the incident has ended. However, during an incident, if our assistance is needed, the lead emergency service or the Duty Emergency Planning Officer (EPO) will liaise with the Council for necessary arrangements.

For instance, as the local housing authority, we might provide temporary emergency accommodation for families whose homes are inaccessible due to the incident.

We also play a key role in implementing operational plans for river flooding mitigation.

Emergency planning and response

Our Emergency Planning Lead follows specific escalation and activation procedures to alert relevant teams and coordinate action. A contact officer is available 24/7, ensuring senior management can be notified and a response coordinated at any time.

Operational staff are on call on a rotating basis to respond to out-of-hours incidents.

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