Wolvercote Young People's Club Activities for 8 to 18 year olds in Wolvercote and Cutteslowe
Rose Hill Junior Youth Club Twice-weekly inclusive play and activity club for children in Rose Hill
Girlguiding Sessions for girls and young women gaining valuable life skills and making a positive difference to their lives and their communities
Scouts and Cubs Build teamwork skills, leadership and problem-solving skills through activities such as mountaineering, abseiling, archery, dance and drama
Cadets Inspiring young people in the core values of the Army Cadet Force
Leys CDI Youth Project Recreational and educational activities open to all, including after-school and holiday clubs, with activities for different ages
Oxfordshire Friends of the Young Deaf Oxfordshire (OFYD) This group is for young people and young adults with any level of hearing impairment
Youth Ambition Engaging with young people through youth voice activities, youth clubs and multi-sports sessions
Yellow Submarine Community-based activities for young people with additional needs, supporting participants to grow in confidence

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