Support services for domestic abuse in Oxfordshire

The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service provides support to victims (female and male), their families and friends. You can contact them on 0800 731 0055.

For detailed information about domestic abuse support services in Oxfordshire, visit the A2Dominion website.

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline number is 0808 2000 247.

Understanding domestic abuse

Domestic abuse includes any incident of threatening behavior, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) among adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.

Forms of abusive behaviours:

  • psychological: isolation from family and friends, intimidation, degradation, harassment
  • physical: pushing, slapping, hitting, biting, strangling, murder
  • sexual: indecent assault, rape, unwanted sexual activities
  • financial: controlling finances, preventing earning, making their partner beg for money
  • emotional: name-calling, bullying, threats, constant criticism, blaming

How to report domestic abuse

For advice on reporting domestic abuse, visit the GOV.UK Report domestic abuse page.

Help and support for domestic abuse victims

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, you should always dial 999 and ask for the Police.

Remember, if you are a victim, you are not to blame. Domestic abuse is a crime. Seeking help against a partner or family member can be difficult, but there are supportive organisations ready to assist you.

Abuse increases when a person leaves or has recently left an abusive partner. Please seek advice if you are considering leaving.

Domestic abuse affects both women and men. Everyone has the right to safety in their own home and is entitled to support if they are experiencing domestic abuse.

Creating a safety plan against domestic abuse

If you are experiencing or at risk of domestic violence, consider the following safety plan steps:

  • talk to a trusted person
  • identify a safe place for quick escape
  • prepare an emergency bag with essentials like clothes, medication, and important documents (passport, birth certificates, benefit books). Store it safely with someone you trust
  • develop a code word for family, friends, neighbours or children so that they can call the Police for you in an emergency
  • maintain a diary of events, including any abusive letters, emails or text messages
  • if an argument starts avoid the kitchen, bathroom, garage or any room where there is no escape route or where there is easy access to potential weapons
  • if you have a mobile phone, keep it with you at all times

Contact the Oxford Safer Communities Partnership

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252283

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