
Go Ultra Low Oxford provides electric car charging solutions for Oxford residents who do not have a driveway.

The first phase of the project, which took place in 2017, saw six different charging technologies - including pop-up charges and lamppost chargers - trialled across Oxford.

The aim was to find the best ways for residents who only have on-street parking to charge their electric vehicles.

It was thought to be the first on-street charging pilot of its size in the world and the University of Oxford described the project as having “global scientific significance”.

The University of Oxford's Transport Studies Unit produced a report on phase one of the Go Ultra Low Oxford project.

Phase two of the project, which builds on the learnings from phase one, will deliver even more charging points, including on-street gullys, lamppost charges and bollards, for residents without a driveway.

Go Ultra Low Oxford has also created electric vehicle car club locations and electric vehicle charging points for Hackney and Private Hire electric taxis at strategic locations across Oxford.

The project is managed by Oxford City Council in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council, the highways authority.

For more information, visit the Go Ultra Low Oxford website.


This map shows all of the proposed locations for new charging equipment to be installed as a part of the Go Ultra Low Oxford trial.

Click the icons on the map for more information about which technologies are at each site, and whether they can be used by the public.

View locations of Go Ultra Low Oxford charge points in Google Maps.


Many Oxford residents do not have driveways, which makes charging electric vehicles challenging. Go Ultra Low Oxford aims to remove this barrier and promote electric vehicle ownership in Oxford.

The project also aims to ready Oxford residents for the Zero Emission Zone and improve air quality for Oxford residents and beyond.

Go Ultra Low Oxford has also provided key data to inform Oxford City Council's EV Infrastructure Strategy, which was agreed in July 2022.

Project Timeline

Go Ultra Low Oxford has been running since 2017.

The first 25 charge points were installed across Oxford between October 2017 and March 2018.

There are now 40 bollard and lamppost chargers and 22 GULe chargers across Oxford.

The first rapid charge points for electric taxis were installed in Manzil Way in 2019.

Further charge points for taxis have been installed in Old Greyfriars Street, Keble Road, Headington car park and Leys Pools and Leisure Centre.

The second phase of Go Ultra Low Oxford, which will see further charge points installed across Oxford, is due to commence later this year.

If you are Oxford resident without a driveway you can register your interest in taking part by visiting the Go Ultra Low Oxford website

Have your say

The Go Ultra Low Oxford project has seen electric vehicle open days, stakeholder briefings and public consultations on charge locations since 2017.

A key group were the EV champions - Oxford electric vehicle owners without driveways - who trialled the technologies and contributed to the phase one report.

The City Council's Inclusive Transport Group, which includes people with a range of disabilities, has also been consulted to ensure charge points work for all.

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