Planning permission is not normally needed when installing a micro-combined heat and power system (CHP) in a house if the work is all internal. If the installation requires a flue outside, however, it will normally be permitted development if the conditions outlined below are met:

  • Flues on the rear or side elevation of the building are allowed to a maximum of one metre above the highest part of the roof.
  • If the building is listed or in a designated area even if you enjoy permitted development rights it is advisable to check with your local planning authority before a flue is fitted. Consent is also likely to be needed for internal alterations.
  • In a conservation area the flue should not be fitted on the principal or side elevation if it would be visible from a highway.

Visit the Planning Portal website for more information.

Installing a larger CHP installation in non-domestic buildings e.g. supermarkets or factories will require planning consent, unless contained within an existing site building. This means that issues such as access, visual impact, noise, construction activity etc. will all need to be addressed in the planning application.

Much larger commercial scale CHP plants may also require authorisation from the Environment Agency regarding emissions and wastes; in particular, larger plants installed within urban areas will need to demonstrate that they are not causing breaches of air quality standards and targets.

Plants may also require approval from other regulatory bodies regarding their use of gas as a fuel.

Please note: if you wish to install a new heating appliance or flue, Building Regulations will also apply.

CHP Focus is a new Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) initiative to support the development of combined heat and power in the UK.

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