Please see the links below to a number of websites and other information sources that may be useful for researching the historical development of an area, place, space or building.

Heritage Gateway

Access to databases of information about historic buildings and sites recorded by English Heritage

Oxfordshire Historic Environment Record

A database of archaeological records and other local historic information available from Oxfordshire County Archaeological Service by appointment.

Oxfordshire History Centre

The new Oxfordshire History Centre combines the archive resources of the County Record Office with local studies library. Provides information of interest for local history studies, including a range of primary and secondary sources with guidance from specialist staff.

Oxfordshire Heritage Search

A database of historic sources including access to some of the Henry Taunt collection of historic photographs of Oxford and the region.

Conservation Area Appraisals

Conservation Area Appraisals provide a detailed assessment of the character of a single conservation area to assist in its management through the planning system.

Historic Maps

Access to historic Ordnance Survey maps dating from the mid-19th to the late 20 century. 

Oxford History

A page with lots of information about the history of Oxford maintained by a local expert.

British History Online

A web-site with access to transcriptions of historic documents, historic maps and the Victoria County History.

The Oxfordshire Buildings Record

This group undertake recording of historic buildings and areas and may be able to help with your research. They have also undertaken and published a number of studies of areas within the city.

Oxford College Archives

Historically the Oxford Colleges owned a significant amount of land across the city and their archives continue to provide an invaluable source for understanding the city's development. Most of them are available for consultation by appointment.

Oxford University Archives

Oxford University maintains an archive of information concerning its administration including records of its departments and faculties.


Contact Design, Heritage & Specialist Services

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 249811

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