Grandpont Nature Park

Grandpont Nature Reserve is nestled between the River Thames, the railway line and Grandpont Park.

How to get there

The postcode for the park is OX1 4QJ.

Grandpont Nature Park is best accessed by foot or cycle along the Thames Path from Whitehouse Road or from Oxpens Meadow. 

Things to do

The open meadow areas provide a place to sit and relax, enjoy the river views and wildlife.

The woodland areas provide shade and homes for many mammals and birds.

Extend your walk into the city centre via Oxpens Meadow, continue along the Thames Path to Port Meadow or towards Donnington, or go ice skating at Oxford Ice Rink. 

Backing onto Grandpont Nature Reserve, Grandpont Park also offers sports pitches, a pavilion and play area.


We offer regular volunteering opportunities or working parties across Oxford. If you would like to find out more, visit our Volunteering page.

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