Peasmore Piece Nature Park

Peasmoor Piece is 1.2ha nestled between the formal sports and play areas within Northway and Court Place Farm, and provides opportunities to reconnect with nature and the natural world. 

The site is accredited as a SLINC. 

How to get there

There are pathways that connect Copse Lane, OX3 0AY with Marsh Lane, Marston.

There is no on-site parking.

Things to do

Incorporate Peasmore Piece into a walk around the surrounding parks and open spaces or take a seat and enjoy the wildlife.


We offer regular volunteering opportunities or working parties across Oxford. If you would like to find out more, visit our Volunteering page.


Peasmoor Piece has small areas of grassland near the pond and at the south end of the site.

Hawthorn and Blackthorn can be found in the areas of mature scrub, providing support and food for Brown Hairstreak Butterflies.

The site boasts a small pond, which supports flood alleviation and is home to many invertebrates

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