Being asked to leave by friends or family is one of the main reasons why people become homeless in Oxford. It is really important to get the right advice as soon as possible.

We have information which may help you on this page and you can also call us on 01865 249811.

Do you feel unsafe?

If you are at risk of violence and need to leave straight away contact the Housing Options team on 01865 249811. Call 999 if you are in immediate danger.

Are you under 18?

If you are under 18 and you have been asked to leave the home of family and friends you need to contact Oxfordshire County Council as soon as possible.

See Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at Oxfordshire County Council

Have you been asked to leave by friends or family or is where you are living unsuitable?

Please contact the Housing Needs team on 01865 249811 if you would like further advice. Please contact us as soon as possible if you feel you are homeless or threatened with homelessness or don’t have access to a bedroom where you are currently staying.

If you move in a planned way, you will get a much better outcome.

When you are threatened by homelessness from family and friends Oxford City Council has a legal duty to help you to remain within the home environment where it is safe to do so.

The Council will usually contact your family or friends to:

  • Confirm the date you have to leave
  • Negotiate to see if you can stay or return.

They may organise a home visit.

If you're unable to remain long-term

If you are unable to remain with family and friends long term the Council may assist you with finding another place to live and preventing your future homelessness.

Due to the shortage of social housing, particularly one-bed accommodation, the council will be likely to offer advice about how to secure private rented sector housing.

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