Find out which plastics can be recycled, which bins to use for kerbside collections, where you can take other plastic items and some useful tips and tests for plastic recycling at home.
- Codes and symbols on plastic packaging can be misleading, instead see What goes in the blue recycling bins and clear sacks
- The Waste Wizard at tells you how and where to recycle waste using your postcode
- For non-recyclable rubbish see What goes in green wheelie bins and lilac sacks
Tests for soft plastic recycling
It can be difficult working out whether you can recycle a soft plastic, usually from packaging so these are simple tests you can do at home.
Soft plastic stretch test
Take hold of your soft plastic and try to stretch it:
- if it stretches (like cling film), it's recyclable
- if it tears (as some fruit packaging does), it's not recyclable
Soft plastic scrunch test
Take your piece of soft plastic film, scrunch it in your fist and then release your grip:
- if it stays scrunched (like cling film), it can be recycled
- if it bounces back to its original shape (as some fruit packaging does), it's not recyclable
Waste Wizard
Use the waste wizard to discover what you can do with your unwanted household items
Go to the Waste Wizard at