Published: Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Oxford City Council is seeking views from residents and stakeholders on its updated Street Trading policy.

The updated policy includes vendors switching from using single-use plastic and polystyrene to more sustainable food packaging, utensils, drinks containers and bags.

The online consultation is open from now until Friday 13 January 2023.

The Council’s Street Trading Policy sets out the legal framework for the management of street trading in Oxford and guides the Council as Licensing Authority when it considers applications for Street Trading Consents and the requirements that Consent holders must meet. The current Policy came into force in May 2020 and is now due for its three-year renewal.

The proposed Policy contains a new standard restriction so that the Council will not allow the sale, use or distribution of single-use plastic in street trading.

The draft policy also encourages traders to deal with customers rubbish responsibly and places a new duty on traders to provide a litter bin for customer waste.

Other proposed measures include a ban on the sale of plastic and helium balloons, sky lanterns and e-cigarettes.

The Council is also hoping to encourage community and charity events, with a proposed scrapping of fees for street trading at such events.

“Oxford’s street traders already use recycled products in their businesses but we hope they’re ready to move to even more eco-friendly ways of providing their services, including avoiding single-use plastics for packaging, cutlery, etc., adopting sustainable sources of food, drink and energy and reducing waste and litter.

“The revised policy also contains good news for charity or small community events, as we will no longer be charging street trading fees for validated events of these kinds.”

Councillor Diko Walcott, Cabinet Member with portfolio for Licensing & Regulation at Oxford City Council



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