Published: Monday, 17 August 2020

Oxford City Council is asking residents, businesses, and visitors for their views on acceptable and unacceptable behaviour around the control of dogs & drinking alcohol in public spaces across Oxford.

The consultation, which launched on Tuesday 18 August and is open to comments until Friday 18 September at midnight, aims to identify anti-social behaviour that people are concerned about in order to help the council address it in the future.

Oxford currently has two city-wide PSPOs, one tackling the control of dogs and dog fouling, and the other tackling alcohol consumption in public places.

The orders enable the City Council to address dog fouling and alcohol related disorder in parks, open spaces and streets across the city.

Both orders were automatically introduced in Oxford three years ago when the Government replaced the previous dog and alcohol control orders.

The orders are due to expire at the end of November, and the consultation will help determine whether or not they are extended, amended or allowed to expire. 

More information can be found on Oxford City Council’s web pages on PSPOs.

Residents, visitors, businesses can take part in the consultation.

“We all have a right to feel safe when we are in public areas and we should not have to encounter anti-social behaviour on our streets. We have launched this consultation to find out what residents, businesses, and visitors think of the current dog control and alcohol orders in the city. We encourage everybody to share their views, and let us know whether or not we should extend or amend these orders, or allow them to expire.”

Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for a Safer, Healthy Oxford

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