Main Types of beetles in homes

  • flour beetle
  • grain weevil
  • carpet beetle
  • biscuit beetle

Where beetles are found

These beetles can fly into homes through open windows, doors, or from lofts and underfloor areas. They sometimes live in birds' nests, so check for these as well. Adult beetles lay eggs on materials that serve as food for their larvae, which include a variety of items like wool, fur, and food scraps.

Adult beetles are usually the first sign of an infestation, but it's the larvae that cause the most damage by feeding on and contaminating materials.

Why control beetles?

While these beetles don't transmit diseases to humans, they can cause economic damage by ruining household materials and contaminating food.

Controlling beetles

Beetle infestations are often linked to poor hygiene. Clean areas where beetles are found to remove food debris and infested material before using insecticides. Treat areas with a crawling insect spray, focusing on skirting boards and floors. Ensure kitchen cupboards are food-free and dry before spraying, and store food in containers after spraying to avoid direct contact with treated surfaces.

Contact the Pest Control Team

Telephone: 01865 249811

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